Thursday, June 21, 2012

She's a Big Girl Now!

Isn't this a cool bed?  I loved it from  the moment I saw it at Down East.  I got this little gem for such a bargain and it's basically been the spare bed at our house for months.   Lyla put her foot down yesterday and decided she was ready to take ownership of the big girl bed.  After a bit of rearranging and a little heavy lifting, Lyla got her wish.  This little beauty (dolled up with bright bedding) is now the centerpiece of my 3 year olds room.  Last night she slept in it for the first time.   It wasn't all smooth sailing, she did wake up three times in the middle of the night (unheard of for her).  One time she needed a bathroom break, the second was to tell me, in a groggy haze, that she "hates this bed" and the last time was for the all important, drink of water.  It was a long night, but she slept in this morning and I bet she'll be totally used to it in a day or two.

I liken the experience to sleeping in a strange bed the first night of a vacation.  I never sleep soundly the first night.  I don't know why, but my brain constantly reminds that "this bed is not the one we're used to".  I often wonder if all brains are hard wired this way or if it's just a malfunction of mine?

The intro of the big girl bed is also the exit of the crib.  It's a huge milestone here.  I'm genuinely starting to think that we've probably seen the last of the crib and diaper days.  I always assumed that I'd be 100% certain about when my family was complete, but it's so not the black and white scenario I thought it would be.  Who wouldn't love to cuddle another one of their own newborn babies?  That thought is picture perfect, but now I'm so much more informed about all that comes with that......and after that.  Nap schedules, sleepless nights, endless diapers, crawlers, climbers, food allergies (a near certainty in our family), insurance, pre-school costs, activity costs, braces, lessons, college............the list goes on and on.  Who knows what the right number of kids is for our family?  Certainly not Dave and I. 

So we are probably done with the crib but I will store it in the basement.  In all actuality, that's all I can do with it.  It's a drop side crib which the government  now sees as a weapon of mass destruction.  It's basically a certain death trap......though my sisters kids and my kids have miraculously survived it.  No company is allowed to sell them in America, so I'll keep it and take it to an antique roadshow in fifty years and make millions!  Short mothers need drop side cribs.   How the hell else am I supposed to lay a sleeping baby down without dropping the kid?   Answer that one government!

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